Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Bump cream

This is a product I have come across that is great to pop in your handbag and use throughout the day. 
Since about 12 weeks pregnant the stretching and itching commences when bump begins to grow. 
This pregnacare product feels and smells amazing it contains calendula, aloe Vera and evening primrose oil.  
This body cream protects stretching skin during and after pregnancy.
It's great to use throughout the day when itchiness occurs and it also doesn't leave a greasy residue. 

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Monday, 2 March 2015

Strange vibrations

So I am at the start of 16 weeks and today have started feeling a gentle vibrating feeling in my pelvis. The only way I can describe it, is like having a mobile phone in your lap on gentle vibrate. The sensation only lasts for 5 seconds and occurs once every couple of hours, this sensation is not painful.  
I decided to google it, a variation of explanations came up in forums. 
Some of the suggestions are 
• baby moving
• baby against pelvic floor
• baby against a nerve
• uterus expanding 

So if anyone has any clarity on this please reply. Just curiosity.